Beautiful bodies have always fascinated Tony Carusso. That’s why he was very happy when we asked him to conduct the first casting for us. The first part, when the boys only wore little trunks, was awesome. But then Tony Carusso asked the boys to pose for him naked underwater. He helped the boys take off their swimming trunks. When the show ended and the boys rested in the shallows, all Tony had to do was release the pressure…
1 Video / mp4 / 28 min / 1080p / 2.3 GB / 19.90 $

I like that the focus was rather on the naked guys but not on Tony. He’s got a great body and cock but please god no scuba and mask. On the other hand the big tatted guy was amazing, I hope to see more scenes of him
I actually love seeing Tony with his scuba gear on and jerking off underwater, wishing that I was there with him joining him. The other guys are hot as well and would like to see them in scuba gear as well. Yes, we have our different fantasies but mine is on scuba gear and it looks so hot on these guys who have the bodies for it and to show off what they are made of.
Oh, my goodness! I am not gay, but this is so good, I would absolutely don’t mind to be a part of it 😊
Great video, guys are absolutely great! Agree, would love to see less scuba and more action on single breath!
i am look foray more from the young guy with the one tattoo on his chest. it looks like he likes to be underwater.
This video was great and the guys had fun.Maybe on the next video it can go straight into the action?. Two of the guys could restrain the guy with tatoos by grabbing his hands and ankles and hold him underwater as he struggles for air.They only let him up for snatch breaths and then dunk him under again. No masks,just natural breatholding. A change would be if the 3 guys turn on Tony and do the same to him,making him hold his breath? Keep these videos coming as us men have a much smaller choice than the women do.