615 – The Surprising Sperm Swap

Minnie Manga and Alice wanted to spend the afternoon with us at the pool. When Minnie went into the pool to cool off and swim a bit, Alice stayed on the island and started dreaming… 1 Video / mp4 /
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598 – Broken Equipment

Tricia’s scuba gear hadn’t been in revision for a long time. The regulator came from GDR production in the 70s and was almost 50 years old. It was actually foreseeable that there would be difficulties at some point… 1 Video
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444 – Mr. 364 – Underwater Performance for Our New Trainer

Now it was clear, Mr. 364 had not been wrong: the two diving students who slowly undressed in front of him in the pool were real! They kept going and didn’t stop taking each other’s swimsuits off. It’s a good
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